Building Blocks of Results & RELATIONSHIPS!

Building Blocks of Results & RELATIONSHIPS!

“I hear, and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”

Experiential Learning (Doing)

  1. Hands-On Experience: Experiential learning emphasizes the importance of hands-on experience. Employees remember up to 90% of what they actively do.
  2. Combined Learning Methods: A combination of hearing, seeing, and doing enhances learning outcomes. Create dynamic and effective learning experiences that convey information and empower
  3. Practical Application: Emphasize the value of practical application and interactive experiences. Learning by doing allows employees to apply knowledge confidently in real-world situations.
  4. Direct Involvement: To truly grasp a concept or skill, seek opportunities for direct involvement and practice.
  5. Enhanced Understanding: Incorporate interactive and practical elements into learning experiences. Enhancing understanding and retention through active engagement.
  6. Reflective Learning: Hearing about something is not enough for complete understanding. Learn best by seeing, doing, and reflecting on the activities.
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Results are the Beginning of Rewards Journey!

Results are the Beginning of Rewards Journey!

Starting the journey of Rewards & Recognitions towards Results & Relationships!

Begin by designing individual program outcome parameters, divided into 5 to 10 slabs. Start with the lowest possible slab and progress to the highest thinkable slab, each with corresponding percentage slabs. (see image).

To Ensure Success:

Thorough Planning: Do all homework and consultations before announcing the incentive program. Any tinkering later, whether adjusting slabs or percentages, can derail the trust we’re aiming to build. Read More

Outcome of Rewards & Recognitions Programs!

Outcome of Rewards & Recognitions Programs!

Outcome of Rewards & Recognitions program is earning trust & loyalty. Journey starts with results & thereby relationships and further blooms into engagement and retention.

Results Lead to Relationships

When employees are recognized for their contributions and achievements, they feel valued and appreciated by their organization. This recognition, whether through monetary rewards, praise from managers, or peer-to-peer acknowledgment, demonstrates that the organization values their efforts and is willing to invest in their success. As a result, employees are more likely to develop a sense of belonging and connection to their team and the organization as a whole. This fosters stronger relationships between employees and their managers, as well as among team members. Read More

Designing Rewards and Recognitions Programs

Designing Rewards and Recognitions Programs

Rewards and Recognitions (R&R) are key components of employee engagement and motivation strategies. While they often go hand in hand, there are distinct differences between the two:

REWARDS: Rewards are tangible incentives given to employees for achieving specific goals or milestones. They are often financial or material in nature. Examples: Monetary bonuses, Gift cards, Corporate gifts, Paid time off, Stock options, Commissions and performance-based incentives.

RECOGNITIONS: Recognitions are intangible acknowledgments of an employee’s effort, performance, or behavior. They often focus on appreciating the person rather than the output. Read More

Elevating Corporate Gifting: How Self-Selection Boost Recipient Satisfaction

Elevating Corporate Gifting: How Self-Selection Boost Recipient Satisfaction

Companies would typically offer Gift Vouchers as this provided convenience while catering to the diverse preferences of gift recipients, but it often lacked advantage of bulk pricing and logo personalization. But the advent of e-marketplace has become invaluable resources for HR and Marketing professionals seeking to express appreciation and strengthen relationships with employees, clients, and stakeholders. E-marketplace offers a one-stop solution for efficient and personalized gifting. By leveraging the vast selection and competitive pricing, one can streamline the gifting process while delivering a superior experience for various recipients. The platform empowers companies to curate tailored gift options based on specific criteria, such as budget, categories, even recipient preferences. Read More

The Limitations of One-Size-Fits-All Rewards

The Limitations of One-Size-Fits-All Rewards

For far too long, organizations have relied on generic, one-size-fits-all rewards as if a standardized approach would suffice. However, this flawed strategy overlooks the fundamental truth that employees are unique individuals with diverse interests, values, and motivations. A generic gift card or a token of appreciation that holds little personal significance does little to foster a sense of genuine recognition and appreciation.

Unleashing the Power of Choice: –

By allowing the recipient to choose their own rewards and promotional Gifts, organizations tap into a potent source of motivation and engagement. When individuals have the autonomy to select a reward that aligns with their personal preferences and aspirations, the gesture takes on a deeper level of meaning and impact. This simple act of empowerment communicates respect, trust, and a genuine understanding of each person’s unique identity. Read More

Classifying recipients budget for corporate gifting

Classifying recipients budget for corporate gifting

Classifying recipients based on their role and profile is a strategic approach for budget allocation. Understanding the differences between consumers, customers, partners, influencers, employees, and business associates is crucial for effective corporate gifting. This classification will certainly help in tailoring gifts to specific needs and maximizing the impact of your gifting program

  • Consumers,
  • Customers,
  • Partners,
  • Influencers,
  • Employees and
  • Business associates

CONSUMERS: – The correct definition of the consumer is the actual user or end consumer of your product or services. Read More

Advantages of Corporate Gifts e-Marketplace!

Time is Money so reseller partners let us spend our valuable time to retain and add new clients as the sourcing challenge is solved.

ADVANTAGES: – for Corporate Gifts Resellers & Manufacturers

  • Reseller’s slab wise pricing updated by manufacturers themselves.
  • Reseller’s dashboard to view MOQ, buying price, GST, MRP with sample cost etc.
  • Advanced Search Engine saves time, increases profit while showcasing available gifts.
  • Instantly forward PDF of downloadable selected items as your initial proposal.

The recipient’s bonus is that purchasing department need not add new vendors as they can ask existing approved vendors to supply the shortlisted corporate gifts. Read More

Corporate Gifts e-Marketplace

Corporate Gifts e-Marketplace

Is for all involved indenters either as recipient employee or part of branding, marketing, sales, HR, procurement team, or gifting reseller partners and gifting manufacturers. Download after searching in easy ways new Corporate Gifts products from various gifting manufacturers with budget, category, keywords at e-Marketplace.

USER’s bonus is that purchase department need not add us as their new vendor but can ask your existing vendors to supply you the shortlisted corporate gifts. Read More

Elevate Your Corporate Gifting Game with e-Marketplace

Elevate Your Corporate Gifting Game with e-Marketplace

Instantly curate your corporate gifts proposal by searching and selecting new gifts through multiple filters like category, budget & keywords to forward to your clients in downloadable pdf file with your logo and credentials.

Overcome earlier challenge for corporate gifting RESELLERS of constant awareness, timely recall, and regular showcasing of new products. Now as approved gifting reseller partner you can see your dashboard with MOQ, sample availability, turnaround time for customisation with slab wise price for free. Read More


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